SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

This goal is the most vital goal, no country can achieve any of the sustainable development goals alone.


Goal 17: Strengthen The Means Of Implementation And Revitalize The Global Partnership For Sustainable Development


This goal is the most vital goal, as it highlights the fact that no country can achieve any of the sustainable development goals alone. To achieve all 17 goals countries must work together, offer assistance and share resources. 

NIUPATCH understands the importance of this goal. The ‘NIU’ in NIUPATCH stands for “Navigate in Unity” which emphasizes the need to move forward together, not as individuals. NIUPATCH aims to promote these partnerships through events such as Talanoa HUBBS. 

Talanoa HUBBS exists for this very reason – to bring together leaders from different parts of our Pacific communities, government workers, academics and students. There have been several Talanoa HUBBS since 2017, in Auckland, Tonga and Samoa and now due to Covid19 there have been several held online via live streaming. These events focus on community issues, and have varied from emergency management, faith-based initiatives for violence prevention, to community responses to Covid19. 

Talanoa HUBBS allow communities from different islands to bridge gaps, learn from each other and create and strengthen partnerships. 

Goal 17 has five main targets: 

Finance: Making sure that developed countries are keeping their commitments to help developing countries financially. Creating policies that help developing countries reduce debt and strengthen and increase their domestic resources. 

Technology: Increasing knowledge sharing, and access to science technology and innovation for developing countries. 

Capacity building: Building capacity in developing countries by strengthening and developing resources and skills which will allow these countries to thrive.

Trade: Promoting a trading system under the World Trade Organization which is universal and fair. 

Systemic issues: Respecting the leadership and policies of each country, and creating better policies for sustainable development. Encouraging partnerships between public and private sectors.

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